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    Manolachi, Victor.
    Features of a training process in sports wrestling for forming power abilities in the modern stage of sports improvement [Text] / Victor Manolachi // Ştiinţa culturii fizice: Revistă teoretico-ştiinţifică . - Chişinău: USEFS, 2019. Nr. 34/2. - P. 121-126 . - Bibliogr. p. 125-126
Рубрики: power abilities
   training process

   types of sports wrestling

   sports improvement

   modern level


   coordination opportunities

   methods and measures

   physical training

   preparatory process structure

   technique and tactics

V 46

    Verejan, Ruslan.
    Efficiency of the training process for sustainable development of mental psychotic potential to 12–13 year-old handball players in their team-game specialization [Text] / Ruslan Verejan // Ştiinţa culturii fizice: Revistă teoretico-ştiinţifică . - Chişinău: USEFS, 2020. Nr. 35/1. - 2020. - P. 107-119 . - Bibliogr. p. 118-119
Рубрики: handball
   12-13-year-old handball players

   types of motor activity

   coordination opportunities

   motor skills

   team-game specialization

   educational process

   intellectual development


   psycho-motor skills