
    Republic of Moldova. Election-related legislation and documentation; documents of Central Election Commision on February 27, 1994 Parliamentary Elections in Moldova; list of political parties, socio-political organizations, electoral blocs and independent candidates; results of elections; the Parliament and its strucutre [Text]. - Chişinău : [s. n.], 1994. - 268 p. - ISBN 5-85268-312-4 : 5.00 lei
Рубрики: Republica Moldova
   parlamentul Republicii Moldova

   structura parlamentului

   legislaţia electorală

   Comisia Centrală Electorală

   partide politice

   organizaţii socio-politice

   blocuri electorale

   rezultate electorale

Экземпляры всего: 1
sala de lectură (1)
Свободны: sala de lectură (1)