M 20

    Manolachi, Victor.
    General dactic and special principles in the general theory of training highly qualified athletes [Text] / Victor Manolachi // Ştiinţa culturii fizice: Revistă teoretico-ştiinţifică . - Chişinău: USEFS, 2020. Nr. 35/1. - 2020. - P. 132-141 . - Bibliogr. p. 140-141
Рубрики: sports wrestling

   general didactic principles

   training process

   types of sports wrestling

   sports improvement

   modern stage

   literary sources

   modern authors

   methods and means

   physical training

   structure of the training process

   power qualities

M 20

    Manolachi, Victor.
    Age aspect of the judoka sportsmanship training [Text] / Victor Manolachi // Ştiinţa culturii fizice: Revistă teoretico-ştiinţifică . - Chişinău: USEFS, 2020. Nr. 36/2. - 2020. - P. 184-188 . - Bibliogr. p. 187-188
Рубрики: sports wrestling--judo wrestling
   general didactic principles


   training process

   types of wrestling

   sports improvement

   current stage

   literary sources

   contemporary authors

   methods and means

   physical training

   structure of the training process

   power qualities